
What Does Home Learning Look Like for Us?
I’m a mom. I’m an architect. I’m a teacher. Those roles have each taken precedence in my life in differing ways in the past. Sometimes...

Lauren Magee — mother of a 3-year-old, 7-year-old and 9-year-old, architect, and educator — has recently found herself in a situation familiar to parents around the world,...

Welcome to Lauren’s Learning Lab
Lauren Magee — architect, educator, and mother of a 3, 7 and 9-year-old — has recently found herself in a situation familiar to parents around the world, with...

The Kids Help Design Their Home Learning Space – Lauren’s Learning Lab
In this episode, Lauren Magee, an architect, teacher and mom, shares her process of engaging her 3-year-old, 7-year-old, and 9-year-old children in the design of...

10 Important Tips for Creating a Safer Learning Space at Home – Lauren’s Learning Lab
In this episode of Lauren’s Learning Lab, architect, teacher and mom, Lauren Magee, shows other parents how to keep their children safe while distance learning....

Nooks with Books and Other Homeschool Spaces – Lauren’s Learning Lab
In this episode of Lauren’s Learning Lab, mom, architect and teacher, Lauren Magee, breaks down the process of designing home-learning environment into creative, bite-sized tips...

Learning While Making Memories in the Kitchen – Lauren’s Learning Lab
From an educational standpoint, the kitchen serves as a place for children to learn math and language skills in home learning environments. In this episode...

Nooks with Books and Other Homeschool Spaces – Lauren’s Learning Lab, Featuring Dr. Sandra Duncan
In this episode, Lauren Magee is joined by author, educator and early childhood expert, Dr. Sandra Duncan, who shares bite-sized ideas on how you can design small or...

Crazy Costumes = Developing Brains – Lauren’s Learning Lab
In this episode of Lauren’s Learning Lab, mom, architect and teacher, Lauren Magee shares the benefits of pretend play for her 3-year-old, 7-year-old, and 9-year-old. From sharing...

Blocks: Play with Toys the Natural Way – Lauren’s Learning Lab, Featuring Dr. Carla Horwitz
In this episode of Lauren’s Learning Lab, mom, architect and teacher, Lauren Magee is joined by Carla Horwitz MS, Dip. Ed, Ed. D and Child Study Center...

How Kids Learn Using Their Senses – Lauren’s Learning Lab
In this episode of Lauren’s Learning Lab, Lauren Magee shares how important sensory play is for young children in home-based learning environments. Lauren’s 3-year-old, 7-year-old and 9-year-old...

How to Design the Best Playroom for Kids

Mud Play = The Perfect Screen Break – Lauren’s Learning Lab Featuring Rusty Keeler
In this episode of Lauren’s Learning Lab, mom, architect and teacher, Lauren Magee is joined by author, educator and natural playscape designer, Rusty Keeler. Together, they work to design...

Daily Routines While Distance Learning – Lauren’s Learning Lab
In this episode of Lauren’s Learning Lab, Lauren Magee shares how she creates daily routines and a schedule that her children can look forward to to avoid...