How to Design the Best Playroom for Kids


Does your playroom feel disorganized after the holidays? Conquer clutter and chaos using high-quality, wooden storage furniture designed to fit just right in any space!  Follow these tips to transform your space, maximize opportunities for play, and finally organize all of your children’s books, toys, and art supplies. 

1. Divide your space into play zones. Keep all of their costumes neatly tucked away using a dress up center like the Kids' See and Store Dress Up or the Kids' Rotating Dress Up Storage or the EdQ Dress Up Storage with Bins. Create a reading corner using a cozy nook and an easy-to-reach bookshelf. Keep their art supplies organized in an all-in-one art table. This type of organization makes clean-up even easier for kids!

Young Boy Storing Costumes and Playing Pretend Using the Kids' Rotating Dress Up Storage Center


2. Design a space that inspires by incorporating personal touches. Revamp your space with pieces that coordinate with your family’s style! Are you loving neutrals? Stick to classic natural wood tones or white furniture from the EdQ Essentials Collection, or pieces in creamy white and gray from the Martha Stewart Living and Learning Collection. Looking for a pop of color? Find a desk that fits your child’s needs and choose from vibrant choices like pink, teal, lavender or navy! Create a cohesive space with a matching shelf for toys and books, or mix and match to create a super whimsical space!

Kids' Navy Media Desk and Coordinating Navy Taiga 4-Shelf Bookcase and Navy Taiga 2-Shelf Bookcase


3. Choose multi-purpose furniture with storage built in. If you have limited space, you might not have the room for lots of bulky furniture. Make the most out of the furniture you do choose by purchasing activity or art tables with storage built in! Guidecraft’s Deluxe Art Center, the Kids' Arts and Crafts Center and the Martha Stewart Living and Learning Kids’ Art Table all feature shelves, bins, and a built-in paper roll to keep art supplies accessible and organized!


Two Preschool Girls Using Guidecraft's Kids' Arts and Crafts Activity Center


4. Get kids involved! Furniture designed just for kids inspires them to be part of the design and the maintenance of a space. Desk sets with corkboards like the Kids’ Taiga Desk and Chair Set or the Kids’ Media Desk and Chair Set give children the opportunity to curate their space and make it personal.


Young Girl Using the Corkboard on the Kids' Lavender Media Desk, Hutch and Chair Set


5. Make an easy-to-find place for everything by using labeled bins. Shelving and storage in the EdQ Collection include durable fabric bins with space for a removable label.

Playroom setup using a variety of white EdQ Essentials storage, shelving and bookcases



Want more playroom inspiration? In a recent article for Redfin, experts shared 22 awesome playroom ideas for kids and how to make space for creativity.  

Lauren Magee, architect, mom and creator of the YouTube series, Lauren’s Learning Lab, says, “Intentionally design a playroom for kids. A playroom that inspires the utmost creativity in a child is one that’s intentionally designed to give them the freedom to choose toys and supplies without needing to ask an adult for help. This usually means low shelves or cabinets with plenty of storage so that children have easy access to everything they need….

For more advice from Lauren and 21 other tips to make your child’s playroom the best, check out the full article from Redfin HERE.

From the Archives: Popular Kids’ Apple Print Craft by Martha Stewart Everywhere Materials: Play is Possible All Around Us

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